Friday, May 20, 2011

SLR Film Photography Special Effects (Part 1) - ghosting

I know there are some photographers still like to pick up trusty 'ol reflex, put a roll of film and go out there and experience in the field. So the approach with a smile expectations, as pick up the film developed from their favorite camera store and ask the person behind the counter, "How do you get that photo is awesome!"

And 'This is the picture' pure ', that I (this time) appeal - to those who still like the movie from time to time. MostThe photographers have Digital SLRs (DSLR - "et moi aussi"). I know you can create this effect with Photoshop, after the fact, but what to do with creative control over this special effect is exciting because this wonderful photograph in the same moment you press the shutter button to perform.


. Ghosting This is what this special effect is called, accomplished by using multiple exposure feature is your camera, but with a simple twist of the film proper exposure. The detailed methodin this article differs from the instructions in your SLR manual. ghosting is perfect for pictures with moving subjects when the camera is taken and the context of the fund is stable (no movement) and move materials in order, or. I have had great success with this move effect when photographing people on an historic site or children as they scurry among the rocks. I used this effect for weddings and sports shoots.

Example:photograph a wedding, the groom stood still at the bottom of the stone steps of a historic house, held out his hand to his wife, moving slowly down the stairs to her husband. My deliberated six clicks the shutter created an airy, surreal picture of the couple.

Depending on the speed of moving objects, the closure of the rapid fire mode or each exposure can be kept meticulously choreographed:

1) each subject deliberately positioned toFrame,

2) and a shutter

3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the total number of multiple exposures in camera.

So what are the mechanisms of the lens "shot to get the effect of" ghosts?

1. Stabilize the camera - using a tripod is best, is a solid surface, a second option, or a steady hand as a last resort;

2. specified number of multiple exposures per frame (N) - usually 1 to 9;

3. For film rolein SLR, determine the sensitivity (S);

4. Place the camera film speed (Yes, you can override this setting forces) to (N × S) or, if not an exact match, set the absolute speed to the next ((N × S) ± adjustment);

5. Take your image, pressing the shutter button, making a total for the number of camera shots that you set in step "2."


1. You want 6 exposures on the frame (N = 6), the number of multiple exposures to'6 ';

2. Having determined the film speed is 200 (S = 200);

3. Place the camera film speed to "1200" (= 200 × 6);

4. Press the shutter button 6 times (6 shots).

WARNING: Check and reset the SLR film speed and number of credits to the original settings before starting the next shot. Some SLRs will automatically reset the number of exposures back to '1 'before advancing the film to the next. It 's always best to checkthis.

There are no special instructions to develop your film. Normal development to the film speed indicated will ensure that the image is properly exposed and developed - simple and beautiful. This picture is art!

SLR Film Photography Special Effects (Part 1) - ghosting

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