Sunday, December 11, 2011

What Are the Main Features of a Digital SLR Camera?

A dSLR can be very tricky at first; this is why it is important to learn all the ins and outs of your digital SLR camera. There are many features that will become a great benefit to you as you begin shooting.

DSLR cameras are quite different from your typical "cell phone" camera, but they do share a lot with the old-fashioned film cameras. They have such a strong correlation; I will list a few to be brief:


1. A Lens - This usually is made out of plastic, glass, or ceramic. This is the part of the camera that focuses the light on to the sensor/medium.

2. Viewfinder - This lets you see what your camera sees. This gives you the most control and gives you the most accurate shots as you know what the photo will look like from the start.

3. An aperture - This allows control of the camera. Most of the time you can control its size to change the amount of light that is let in.

4. A shutter - This is the "click" you hear of the camera. This controls the time the lens exposes the film or sensor to the light.

5. A capturing mechanism - This is just a component that is light sensitive and captures your picture that comes through the lens. This is basically the film in the film camera or the sensor in a dSLR.

6. A Storage medium - this is where the image is held until you remove it from the camera. On film cameras, the film acts as the storage medium whereas digital cameras use a card of some sort.

Lenses in general are very similar between the two cameras, and in some cases, dSLRs can use the same lens built for a film camera.

What Are the Main Features of a Digital SLR Camera?

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