Have a nice, shiny SLR? Glad you now have the ability to change lenses when you want more? I have no idea what kind of lens you should get?
Welcome to the typical situation for the first time SLR buyer.
Unless you are) a pretty serious hobby (in this and probably stop reading articles, you can use a little clueless owner for all of your options as an SLR lens. You are probably wondering what kind of lenses is necessary and what allcrazy letters and numbers before the name means. As a poor consumer to choose?
I wish it was easier for you. I'm not going to give you a complete course in everything you know about camera lenses, but I hope that after this, you have an idea, now that you want. First, let me explain that if you have a good reason to choose otherwise, you want a zoom lens. As you probably know, a zoom lens to zoom lens (changingHe began calling her name, the "focal length" from now on. These are extremely comfortable and of high quality these days, so there is really no reason for a fixed focal length lens or "first" choice.
So it will be the first thing you notice when shopping for zoom lenses of focal lengths. focal length zoom lenses are the dash number system number, eg 18-70. These numbers represent the focal length in millimeters, and the higher the number,"Zooming" The image is displayed. Assuming you're using a digital SLR, this particular example is a zoom from a moderately wide angle (28 mm) to moderate) close (70mm. This objective would be good, every day is to carry around.
The second set of numbers represent the "speed" of this, which basically means the amount of light the lens lets in the photograph, the more light the better. This is what the "f" is the number the less the better. For example, a 18-70f4 lens is better than a 18-70 f5.6 lens. Sometimes two numbers, such as "F4-5.6", which means that the speed of the slowest zoom which means you get to see. This is perfectly normal, but its something to be aware of.
So, should you buy lenses? Well, the simple answer, to buy something with a wide range, as has been done 18-300, and with it. However, a rule of thumb, the more the zoom range, the worse the image quality. However, many of these lenses much better than themto use, and for many casual photographers, the compromise image quality is worth the convenience.
If you want better lenses, trying to cover a wide angle zoom for wide angle and a telephoto lens if you really need to zoom up close. The purchase of the first party lenses (ie Canon lenses for Canon cameras) will almost always get better quality than the lenses of third parties, if you pay more. Also, be sure to check the contributions to a goal before you buywill be happier about the decision.
I hope this has helped some of the mystery shopping for a lens for SLR cameras. Remember, it is the camera, the lens or other piece of equipment that makes the images so large. If you are the person behind the camera. So learn, how to take better pictures, get a fixed set of lenses, and you are on the way to a great photographer.
SLR Lenses - Learn the differences
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